Welcome to My Painted Pretties website where I provide you with the latest and greatest techniques, strategies, and product reviews for improving your furniture painting skills.


Growing up as the oldest of five children to blue collared parents, I learned early on the lesson of making do with limited resources. This lesson continued as a young bride to my high school sweetheart who had joined the military. As a military family with a child, our home was sparsely furnished with hand-offs by our families. As our family grew to a total of four children it was out of necessity that I became quite adept at reimagining a piece of furniture and finding multiple uses.

We still have one of those pieces that we started out with over 33 years ago. Its been through 14 household moves in 6 different states; its been used as a table to hold my printer, as extra storage space in the kitchen, then in my office, and now as an entryway table being used for a catch-all.

Besides finding new purposes for pieces, painting gave them a whole new look. With each new home, I was able to put my interior design schooling to good use. Not only did I paint furniture, but walls too, trying out multiple techniques through the years. Paint is a wonderful tool and is the easiest, least expensive way to make a change in your home decor.


Growing up with nothing and then struggling to make it on our own drove my husband and I to make better lives for ourselves and our children. We both eventually were able to attend college and each have obtained masters degrees; both being the only ones in each of our families to have college degrees. We’re proof that hard work pays off and that dreams do come true.


I’m here to share with you the techniques and strategies I’ve learned along the way in painting furniture. I’ll also be doing product reviews as well as sharing with you the products and tools that I use.

Believe me, it’s never too late to learn new skills and I hope to inspire you to get creative and DIY.

If you ever need a hand or have any questions, feel free to leave them below and I will be more than happy to help you out.

All the best,


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